Monday Morning Coffee

Monday mornings... what can you say about them. For myself, I've decided to get out the coffee grinder and grind mycoffee beans. What a rich full flavored coffee ...that I am enjoying right now!

Now, this would have been good with that icecream cake that I made for Sunday dinner. A friend, Heather Loper showed me the recipe Sat. at JoAnn Loper's bridal shower. I came home and looked it up at . It has a little video that shows exactly how to do it. How good is that?

It was extremely good and not quite as rich as the one's I buy from Dairy Queen. Considerably cheaper and anyone can do it.

I am so happy with myself. I saved about $50 on my electric bill. I've cut back on using the air conditioner. Letting the cool night and morning air in and then turning on the air when it just starts to rise above comfortable. And...hanging my clothes on the line to keep the hot air out of my kitchen. Merrill & Beth helped me replace the old line on my clothes line last week. I love to dry clothes on the line. I love the outdoor smell. As you can doesn't take a lot to make me happy! lol!!!

"A penny saved is a penny earned!" as Benjamen Franklin said.


Beth said...

Your so good Mom :-)
Love you lots

Amy said...

sounds like you are in a saving mood. maybe I should try that.
love you lots