Just think...

The saddest thing... We stood in line 4 hrs. at a viewing last night for a friend of ours daughter who was killed in an auto accident over the weekend. Her dad just hugged me and said, "You stood in line 4 hrs. to see me!" I guess we can never know how such a little thing can mean so much to someone.

I was listening and talking to her aunt who was relating how just a couple days before she was killed she made the remark that she felt that "God had something big for her!" That made me think of some of the words in the song, "Finally Home", ... "Just think of stepping on shore and finding it heaven, of touching a hand and finding it God's,"... all I can say how big and great that is!

"Finally Home."

When engulfed by the terror
Of tempestuous sea
Unknown waves before you roll
At the end of doubt and peril is eternity
Though fear and conflict seize your soul

When surrounded by the blackness
Of the darkest night
O how lonely death can be
At the end of this long tunnel
Is a shining light
For death is swallowed up in victory

But just think of stepping on shore
And finding it heaven
Of touching a hand and finding it God's
Of breathing new air and finding it celestial
Of waking up in glory and finding it home

By Don Wyrtzen


Amy said...

It is amazing what God uses to comfort someone in time of need. Even the things we sometimes take for granted may help someone through their day. I am glad that you was able to go and help, encourge their family through this hard time I am sure it was a huge gift to that family. Thanks for being such a great mother. I love you and you are GREAT.
love amy

sherryldickinson said...

Dear Connie, The beautiful words to this song are awesome and have been of encouragement to me many times. I am glad you typed them here for us to remember. It is hard to believe, but if we can just stay true to Jesus, someday this is going to be a reality for us. I love your sweet postings and you too, dear friend. Sherry Dickinson