Cool Crisp Day...

Today was a cool crisp day. It wasn't too bad working outside after it got a little warmth to it.

Merrill & I were noticing that there was a little color to the leaves yesterday as we drove home from church. Last week end when we went to Ky for the weekend, the leaves were brown and falling. I think the rain has helped a little plus there are different tree leaves showing color now. Let's hope for more beautiful fall colors. After all, that's part of the fun of fall. The beautiful colors.

I ate at my parents today. As usual, Mom made a great soup and pineapple upside down cake. We had a nice visit. My parents are fun people to visit.

The crops are off and it has rained so I got to burn my trash in the burn barrel. Yeah! I really didn't like it being so dry. Last week there were a couple field fires in our area. That's just a little too scary. I'm soooo thankful for the rain!

Well, that's about it for today...

Something To Think About...

"Good health, good humor, and good sense, no one is poor with this defense."

-Helen Steiner Rice