This may be the last time I can use the snow flakes for awhile. Friday, might have been the last big snow of the season. We'll see. Anyway, we know that Spring is just around the corner.

With all the snow & ice that we've had this year, our pond is back up. It really got low when it didn't rain very much last summer and fall. Good to see it up.

This morning I woke to the sounds of the ducks on the pond. That's when we really know Spring is close. The ducks and geese come back. I always look forward to seeing them.

The only downside to spring... MUD! Boy, do we have mud. That I can do without, but it is a part of it. We'll manage. We always do!

March 20, 2011 is the first day of Spring. I'm officially ready!!!

Have a great day... look at some garden catalogs & plan a garden even if it's only in a pot or planter.

Remembering... Groundhog Day 2011 - Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, USA

Is Punxsutawney Phil right?

It is Feb 28 th & the last day of February. What do you think... is Punxsutawney Phil right? He did not see his shadow on February 2 nd, so according to Phil there should only be six more weeks of winter. Well, we've just passed the four weeks so that leaves two more weeks. We'll see...

I'll try to find a video of the actual happening to share, check back soon ...

I'm On A Roll...

I'm not trying to overwhelm you today, it just, I'm on a roll...

When I saw the Amish horses pulling the truck out of the snowy ditch, I just had to share it.

We live in an area where there are German Baptist that drive buggies. I passed on going to town this morning. They drive tractors to town sometimes, but I think they will be out driving in their buggies more this year since gas is so high. After all, they have to feed the horse anyway, so why not use it.

If gas gets any higher we'll all be driving horse and buggies. The down side is that there is no heat and air conditioning plus they are slow. The upside is you sure would slow your life down a lot. All the "road thinking" might calm the nerves.

Let's hope these new guys in congress let us drill!

Too Good To Pass Up...

This is Just Too Cute...

Winter Again...

It's winter again. We got a few glimpses of what spring would be like a few days ago. Here... where I live in Ohio, we got 6" of snow yesterday. We just got over having "thick" ice everywhere. Then a few nice days and back to snow. This is Ohio!

This week is the first that I've had a any desire to see spring. I've been looking over garden catalogs and starting to think about how I would like to design my new vegetable garden. Yes, let's get going...

I heard someone say, "a marriage is not suppose to be good. It's not a pie. It's a marriage. It's something that you work at." Never take anything for granted.

"A successful marriage is not a gift; it is an achievement." - Ann Landers

The Bible says in Proverbs 4:6-7, "Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you. Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding."

Some Thoughts to Ponder...

To awake each morning with a smile brightening my face:
To greet each day with reverence for the opportunities it contains.
To approach my work with a clean mind:
To hold ever before me, even in the doing of little things,
the Ultimate Purpose to which I am working.
To meet men and women with laughter on my lips and love in my heart;
To be gentle and kind, and courteous through all the hours;
To approach the night with weariness that ever woos sleep
and the joy that comes from work well done-
This is how I desire to waste wisely my days.

-Thomas Dekk
Why Wonder

If radio's slim fingers
can pluck a melody
from the night and toss it over
a continent or sea;
If the petaled white notes of a violin
are blown across a mountain
or a city's din;
If songs like crimson roses
are culled from thin blue air;
Why mortals should wonder
that God hears and answers prayer.

-Ethel Romig Fuller


Jesus, Jesus, Jesus...

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus the answer to all our problems. He meets our every longing, our every need. He gives us peace in the time of trouble. He is always there for those of us who are Christians.

Stay encouraged dear friends and, if you haven't, commit your life to Christ. He is the answer to all our problems and needs.

Blessings to you!

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus! Sweetest Name I Know - Voice of Prophecy Reunion