The Saga of the Cat In The House...

Well...after trying to catch the cat...I've succeeded! I have chased & chased this thing so many times. It made it's home in my basement, but would come up to eat. The thing ran like greased lightning!!! It finally started slowing down and would peek from the top step at me, but would never come out until I left. Last night, I got a throw and hid behind it until the cat came upstairs... it ran in the familyroom and I closed the door. The battle kept on until the little guy went out the sliding glass doors. I did not see it leave, but there are not signs of the cat and no meowing.

Merrill, got up this morning and wondered why all the lights were on. I guess I was so tired that I didn't even turn the lights out. Not like me at all! It was about 1:30 before the battle was won! :)


Beth said...

Thats to funny. Glad you little kitten is outside now. ;-)
your the best

Amy said...

lol mom that is funny

Grammy said...

Grammy Betty says:
Wow, what a cat chaser you are. At least it is quiet to sleep (with the lights on!!)