Slowing Down...

I am so glad that things are slowing down. I am so ready for fall! I don't know how the colors will be because it hasn't rained very much in the last 6-8 wks.

The cooler weather sure makes for easier outside work. It just takes some getting use to, but I like it. Hopefully, I can get the garden beds, the garage and basement in good shape before too long.

Since things are slowing down I've been able to do a few fun things. I've been working on a new afghan for our bedroom. I'm looking forward to getting the sewing machine projects started that I want to do. Plus, I'll be able to spend more time on the computer with my writing, pictures, art, designing and forex trading etc. I really look forward to all thatagain. It is too bad we don't have 48 hrs. in a day so that we could get more things done. Like I've said... I'm just ready.

Well, that's about it for today. The rest of it is works in progress...

Have a great day!

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