Growing Up...

When I was growing up, we four children loved to crawl on mom and dad's bed in the early morning hours and get them started telling stories about when they were young. Mom and dad tell the absolutely funniest stories imaginable.

This is a family tradition that went on in our family also. All six of our children would crawl up on our bed and we would laugh and tell stories. Sometimes, the girls and I would be especially annoying to my dear hubby and sing. Girls, remember, Speed Away? Of course we would doctor it up and drag it out and then laugh hilariously at how we sounded. What fun we had! Merrill just never saw the humor in it! :)

Well, I don't know if my children do the early morning story telling or not. I do know that some of them play board games with their children. That was another one of our family pass times. We went through more Monopoly, Sorry, Can't stop, Pit, Boggle,Candyland and Farming games than anyone I know. We were great game players for sure!

In fact, Merrill and I have taken to playing board games again. After all, what are old folks suppose to do? ;)


Beth said...

lol..Poor Dad ;-)

Yes we bring Isaiah to our bed in the morn. to sometimes but he’s to little right now for the stories but he just crawls all over us ;-)

Amy said...

I think we should sing our sone again. For some odd reason when I sing it Monte does not like it either.
love you