Goings On...

Amy is finished with nursing school and the ceremony is Wed eve., but the midwest is hit with an ice storm. We are waiting to see if they are going on as scheduled. We were planning on leaving in the morning, but not with the "no travel" weather advisory. Hopefully, by the end of today it will be better. They will be so disappointed if we don't make it. Here's the Kansas Grandmunchkins! :)

On the other hand these little guys are enjoying weather around 65 degree in NC. It just isn't right! lol!!! Here are the North Carolina Grandmunchkins!:)


Beth said...

I hope the weather gets better soon :-) Love you


Paul and Candy said...

The weather was beautiful here today. About 75 degrees. It feels like summer, not Christmas.

Connie Lavy said...

Paul & Candy,
Are you trying to make me jealous...it might be working! We will be heading into towards some icy rain tomorrow, please pray that it stops before we get that far.
Love ya lots & I really am happy you have nice weather.