
My Mothers Day was pretty much spent by myself and in the After Hours Clinic. I talked to most of my children and my mother a couple times yesterday and felt their love and compassion. They are a wonderful comfort. I watched our morning service on the net, then I went to the clinic and then got home about 2:30. My family which were supposed to have dinner at my house, instead, had dinner at Wayne's & Wilma's house. Thanks to them so much for going on in spite of everything. They are a great help!

When you think that you are nothing in this big, vast world, that you are just one little being, remember this, that God uses us, one by one. We are each one, individually, responsible to do the work that He has for us to do on this earth. Someday, people will walk by your casket and look into a face that is cold and still. They won't remember your clothes, your house or your accomplishments. They will remember you as an individual. I was thinking of this quote from Helen Keller, “I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do." Today, do something for God, only He know what you are supposed to do and only you can find that out.

I was looking for a poem that I had written about my mother a couple years ago. I couldn't find it, so my thoughts went a different direction this morning. That's how I get when I ramble. Maybe that's as it should be. God Bless and have a great day!


Michele said...

Thank you for sharing that quote. I have heard it before but was glad to be reminded of it again. "God help me to do something for you."

Beth said...

sorry Mom that we could not be with you on Mothers Day. Your the best. Hope you are getting better.
Love you lots