The Big News... McCain Palin 2008

I think the big news over the week end was the choice that McCain made for VP. I have read about Sarah Palin in recent weeks and she seems to be quite a remarkable lady. For sure... she knows how to get things done.

You know, speaking down home and personally, it does take skill at keeping peace with kids, scheduling, getting things accomplished... just plain doing what it takes to get the job done. The only difference with congress is that you can't stand them in the corner or turn them over your knee and spank them when they do stupid stuff. Heh, heh, heh... at times, wouldn't you like to!

I think I like her because she relates to middle America. She's not a lawyer... there are already too many of them in government to mess it up. She's not one of the good old boys... She's a governor that gets things done...

No, she's not had a lot of presidential experience because she has never been president, but she is a governor which has passed laws, and she has what it take to lead this great country. This whole "experience issue" is dumb anyway. Only someone who has been president or VP has the experience. Guess what... neither of them are running. The next best thing is a governor that does the same thing on a smaller scale. Sarah Palin is the only candidate that fits this criteria!

I put up the video that I found so that you can see that she can relate to the average American people, issues and our troops. She just gets the job done. She loves God, she loves her family and she loves America!

Now, I know that this is a political post, but it was news and I just couldn't let it go. No, she's not the type of woman that I'm use to, but not everyone is alike. For sure, she is one energetic woman. I just like her values and what she stands for because it is greatly lacking in today's leaders. A role model for working women. Also, I thought it before I read it or heard it said, "here's another Margaret Thatcher!"

McCain Palin 2008

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