I was watching the Republican Convention on www.foxnews.com and I was so impressed by their genuine American spirit. You could tell that the people love America and want the best for it. I also gained a greater respect for John McCain than I had before. With the projected pictures and stories, I became aware of how he suffered for America during the war and how much he was willing to go through for our freedom. It is just something to think about. You know, this is a guy that we can trust to protect our country. This is a big country with lots of ideas and ways of doing things, but if we are not a free country, all is lost.
This is one important election and the biggest problem, that we have at this time, is that most of the medias are not balanced in their reporting. I am talking about the tv, radio and written media. Somewhere, down the road, hopefully we will have more fair and balanced media. I don't like legislating it. I like the plain old free market, don't buy the paper, magazine or watch or listen to their propaganda action. If you're tempted to read it go to the library, they have the magazines and newspapers for you to read. This is my free market plug! :)
I also thought that it took a lot of courage for Joe Leiberman to call for the Democrats to vote for what is best for our country. I'm sure he will be criticized, but you know what, I know several life-long Democrats that are voting for McCain Palin. So, Leiberman is right on track! There are people willing to vote for their countries continued freedom over a party.
Well, I guess, I'm getting political again and this is not a political blog, but I am an American and I want to see America continue to be a great country and become greater. Oh, yes, check out the Republican platform article by Schafly, if you haven't yet, because it is a good one!
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