How Time Flies...

My husband and I were talking last night about how time flies... We will be married 40 yrs. in December. In some ways it seems like forever, and in other ways, what happened to all those years.

This is my guy, when he's not working & running his equipment, he's talking on the phone... my... first dude!

I thought the following verse was cute and relevant...

How To Preserve a Husband

Some insist on keeping them in a pickle,
while others are constantly keeping them in hot
water. Even the poor varieties can be made
sweet and tender by garnishing with patience;
will sweetened with smiles and flavored with
kisses. Wrap well in a mantle of charity and keep
warm with a steady fire of devotion. Thus
prepared, they'll keep for years.
-author unknown

1 comment:

LJL said...

I think you have been a wonderful wife to my OLDER brother. Thanks.